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Intuitive Team
Sep 13, 2019
Hey...don’t just sit there!
Do you have a twelve-a-day habit? We’re talking seated hours, not cigarettes, although recent studies indicate that sitting too much and...

Intuitive Team
Sep 13, 2019
Traps to avoid in retirement #3 - Leaving it too late to achieve your goals
Most of us had retirement dreams, and couldn’t wait to finish work. So once retired, why haven’t we started ticking items off the bucket...

Tim Wortlehock
Sep 12, 2019
Let's continue to conversation - R U OK..?
Often when we're discussing financial arrangements, this can uncover areas where people are struggling. Too often we all overlook the...

Intuitive Team
Sep 4, 2019
What about financial stress and mental health..?
If you’ve ever laid awake at night thinking about your finances you’ll know: financial stress can be debilitating. What you may not be...

Tim Wortlehock
Aug 19, 2019
The Goodness of Giving - Financial Planning Week
New research reveals Australians spend nearly $20 billion per year on gifts and only 1 in 4 of us actually plan for these gifts.

Intuitive Team
Aug 14, 2019
Travelling overseas..? Here's 8 handy tips for you
Of course the aim is to travel with confidence and wonder, not fear.

Intuitive Team
Aug 5, 2019
Why it just got harder to get a home loan!
Anyone applying for a home loan these days will find that there are more hurdles to jump than has recently been the case. So why is it...

Intuitive Team
Jul 26, 2019
Traps to avoid in retirement ~ Going too hard too fast
Retirement: you’ve made it! And one of the rewards for all your hard work is that you can now access your superannuation. Suddenly a...

Intuitive Team
Jul 23, 2019
Household it consuming you?
By the end of 2018 Australia had, relative to the size of its overall economy, one of the highest levels of household debt in the world....

Intuitive Team
May 30, 2019
Vegie gardens, great for your health and wallet
It’s a great time to get excited about the kitchen garden. Creating a vegetable garden is a boost for sustainability and is great for your t
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