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Intuitive Team
Dec 6, 2019
Make your new year the best yet!
Another year is almost over - how was it for you? Did you achieve everything you’d hoped? Are you better or worse off financially than...

Intuitive Team
Dec 4, 2019
You've won! Now what do you do..?
Lottery prize pools now amass huge amounts, regularly turning everyday Aussies into instant multi-millionaires. But being ‘struck rich’...

Intuitive Team
Nov 15, 2019
The silly season is sensible with Buy Now Pay Later!
Move over debit and credit cards; consumers are flocking to Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) services. Afterpay, Zip Pay and several similar...

Intuitive Team
Nov 14, 2019
Here's a way to help your kids...and yourself
We are always hearing about how important it is to insure our own lives and income, but what about insuring our children’s? How would...

Intuitive Team
Oct 24, 2019
So how do you get the biggest bang from your renovation buck?
Whether it’s doing up the bathroom or kitchen, or adding an entire new wing to the house, some focussed planning will help your home...

Intuitive Team
Oct 11, 2019
Traps to avoid in retirement #5 – carrying debt into retirement
Increased housing costs and low wage growth are seeing more Australians carry higher levels of debt into retirement. Repaying this debt...

Intuitive Team
Oct 7, 2019
“In my day…” Documenting your life story
“What was it like when you were growing up?” Remember when you asked an older relative that? Remember your enjoyment hearing the...

Intuitive Team
Sep 24, 2019
Some financial tips for single parents
For many single-parent families, the struggle-cycle is a constant reality...

Intuitive Team
Sep 14, 2019
Does the Aussie dollar value affect you?
You might think that only importers and exporters pay attention to the value of the Aussie dollar, but movements in the exchange rate...

Intuitive Team
Sep 13, 2019
Pets...but what's the cost
Australians are a nation of animal lovers. According to the Australian Companion Animal Council, we have one of the highest incidences of...
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